Best Ways To Fishing in Whitsundays

Do you like fishing? Is this the main reason you’re heading to Whitsunday? Not bad!! 

Fishing with around 74 islands and among the coastline will undoubtedly give you an amazing experience. All you need to do to add a spark to your fishing activity is diving deep into the right methodology.

If you understand the process and ways of fishing, then you can have unlimited fun and enjoyment throughout the activity. So, Know the rules of Whitsunday fishing charters thoroughly beforehand and then start practicing. Don’t take this activity carelessly, it can also put you into trouble. Take care of each and everything to ensure fun! 

Without wasting much of your valuable time, let’s discuss the best ways to do fishing!

Table Of Contents
  • 7 ultimate ways to enjoy Whitsundays fishing
    • Fish Catching
    • Trolling lures
    • Shute Harbour
    • Trolling in the way
    • Game Fishing
    • Estuary fishing
    • Reef fishing
  • Concluding Remarks

7 Ultimate Ways To Enjoy Whitsundays Fishing

1. Fish Catching

The first and one of the interesting ways that you need to know is how to catch fish to explore fishing activity thoroughly! The best trick to catch fishes on the island is to make wide & wind-assisted dispositions. 

Once you have done it, settle your lure immediately on the edge of the composition you’re about to fish. No matter if you’re fishing on a huge rocky headland, on the broken reef, or a piece of shallow bommies. Keep repeating this process and handling new water waves until you reach the final stage of fishing. 

Fishing Spots

2. Trolling Lures

Here come another one of the most exciting ways that you must try out. It’s trolling lures! As it is a pretty thrilling technique and an excellent way to catch a spectrum of pelagics around the islands, it is a sure win reason to make an abundance of memories. 

You can catch a range of fishes through this technique including Golden Trevally, Mackerel, and a range of Tuna. The drop-offs, headlands, and eye-conic rocks are more trolling regions, where you can explore an attractive pouch of fishes.

3. Shute Harbour 

Basically accessible to fishermen and of course anybody on a yacht, Shute Harbour gives astonishing fishing possibilities. The harbor has a bunch of fishes, with loads of events to pick superior classes. The Spanish Mackerel and Giant trevally are generally considered the most excellent type of species that you can enjoy catching here!

What‘s more? The pristine characteristics of Shute Harbour and its administration are something that has made this place quite popular for fishing.

4. Trolling in the Way

Trolling in the way as you drop off Shute Harbour is another excellent fishing activity that usually ends up in docking Spanish Mackerel. Practicing this amazing fishing technique, you can don’t just get an abundance of fishes for your initial few nights but also enjoy the activity to the fullest potential.

Since the Mackerel are particularly existing around the island from mid of May to the last of October, it would be better to visit in this mentioned period only. Throughout the activity, you can catch as many as Spaniards with energetic bait or utilizing larger lures.

5. Game Fishing

This fishing type is always recognized as the best way to fish on Whitsunday island. In fact, the island is renowned for this exceptional fishing. The peak time to enjoy game fishing is between the spring and summer. 

During the activity, you can enjoy catching Sailfish, Blue Marlin, swordfish, sailfish, and the Bluefin Tuna that you always dreamt of. Besides, you can also catch Mackerel. 

Although the best locations for catching the Mackerel is Deloraine, the Edward Group & the Minstrel Rocks are also famous for it as well. The Pinnacle Point at the top of Hook, Hayman Island is nowadays also getting popular for fishing. 

6. Estuary Fishing

Estuary fishing is another one of the most exciting ways where you can enjoy a spectrum of fishing lines, which are classed as estuaries such as the vast Thames and the Severn estuaries. While these are technically estuaries, a variety of species requires standard fishing equipment and methods to fish them correctly. 

Fishing Yacht Charters

When fishermen speak of estuaries in a Whitsunday fishing charters context they customarily relate fishing to the delta of a tidal river. Many fishes also come into the estuary to cultivate as the quiet waters provide a pleasant habitat for the eggs and small fish to thrive. Make sure you don’t harm them anymore!!

7. Reef Fishing

Last but not the least! Coral reef fishing is the favorite fishing activity of fishermen and can be performed anywhere among the islands. If you are completely inexperienced in reef fishing, then don’t go ahead until you familiarize yourself with the tips that need to be implemented over there. 

The most important tip that you must consider is the weight. Make sure you don’t exceed the limit above 25-kilogram. Above this weight pulling off the fishes can become difficult for you and you can end up harming plenty of fishes as well. This is why it is vital to take care of essential factors thoroughly!

Concluding Remarks:

Winding up the ways to enjoy fishing in Whitsunday tours, we just want to say that whatsoever you have decided to explore the fishing, do things rightly. Make sure you don’t harm any other aquatic species’ life. As fishing also requires some specialized equipment and knowledge. Be prepare yourself for everything. 

Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading the post! If you have enjoyed fishing ever, then do let us know your experience. 

Thanks for reading!!

Published by whitsundaysyachtcharters

Whitsundays Yacht Charters is a catamaran, yachts providing company in Queensland AU. We connect you with professional boat owners to provide you with boats without a boat license. Our mission is to give you the best bareboat sailing experience to make your holidays memorable you have ever had.

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